Once again I thank you all for your support and participation ... as usual we have some new names on the list, some past ones missing ... but 23 entries. A couple less than 2010 ....but it would be good to have a greater input from the 172 who participated in the MIMLOCT (for which reports and photos may be viewed on the Cloud Tramp website) so please try to encourage others whom you fly with to join us in 2012. I am somewhat embarrassed that I did not register scores; it was my intention to fly in the similar CT event at the ‘Great Grape Gathering’ contest but was well across the border into New York when I remembered that the model was still hanging on my workshop wall .... L

The 2012 event, of course, will commence on the same date as the MIMLOCT - Saturday August 4th – and close on September 30th. Same rules: Five flights, longest and shortest discounted. I will remember my model .........

I have posted the undernoted entries and scores to the CT event within the 20th WorldWide Postal, which closes June 30th, 2012. However, as you did not specifically enter the WWP as such, should you feel that you could better the scores posted here then please feel free to fly your CTs again before that date, and Ill happily substitute and update the results in that contest.

I hope to welcome each one of you back again – and, as said, do try to talk someone else into building and flying a Cloud Tramp (or even into flying yours - no BOM rule, remember). If you forwarded scores on behalf of those without email addresses, please ensure they receive a copy of this report.

The main thing about this ‘contest’ is that everyone has fun. Theres no better motive or incentive. Let’s do it again?

Thank you again one and all may I wish you good flying in 2012, no matter what your F/F or other interests might be.



Jim Moseley




1. Bob Morris USA 136 73 74 62* 137* 283

2. Les Sayer C 75 54* 97 83 106* 255

3. Leon Cameron (14)UK 86 71 84 91* 66* 241

4 =. Bob Clemens USA 138* 80 69* 78 73 231

4= Ole Torgersen N 102* 84 12* 68 79 231

6. Pete Brecker G 66* 75 81* 69 79 223

7. Vegar Nereng N 66 62* 68 87* 83 217

8. Carole Kane USA 67 55* 77 137 * 61 205

9. Hildur Lundhaug (Ms) N 74 64 139* 59 43* 197

10.. Alex Cameron UK 57 44* 51 63* 55 163

11. Richard Barlow C 52 62* 46* 51 50 153

12. Kent Josefsson S 45* 47 48 59* 48 147

13. David Loveday C 52 55* 46 38* 45 143

14. Bengt Hoglund S 40 51 32* 51 59* 142

15. Gary Hinz USA 125* 44 31* 49 48 141

16. George Car A 36 21* 47 63* 39 122

17. Vic Nippert USA 20* 38 52 30 123 * 120

18. Don Ratzloff USA 39* 37 37 31 29* 105

19. Ingvar Claesson S 29 23* 29 28 31* 86

20. Angela Mallory UK 24* 35* 32 24 24 80

21. Ray Millard UK 37* 15* 27 24 23 74

22. Wendy Millard UK 16* 29* 23 24 25 72


From the Cloud Tramp Homepage