Thank you all for your support and participation. It is encouraging to note a substantial increase in entries - well up from the 24 flyers of 2007 and also better than the two preceding years.
I have posted the undernoted entries and scores to the CT event within the 17th WorldWide Postal, which closes May 31st 2009. However, as you did not specifically enter the WWP as such, should you feel that you could better the scores posted here then please feel free to fly your CT’s again before that date, and I’ll happily substitute and update the results in that contest.
In some instances it might be difficult to better the scores... an examination of the flight times in the upper portion of the results lists show some consistently outstanding flights. Bob Morris has taken a methodical approach to improving performance and his model now boasts adjustable thrustline and incorporates a very necessary tip-wing dethermaliser - his flight records made interesting reading and I have included those below together with photos.
I look forward to running this fun event once again next year (make a note - August 1st to September 30th 2009) and hope to welcome each one of you back again - and do try to talk someone else into building and flying a Cloud Tramp (or even to fly yours -no BOM rule, remember). If you forwarded scores on behalf of those without email addresses, please ensure they receive a copy of this report.
The main thing is that everyone had fun. There’s no better motive or outcome.
Thank you again - one and all - and at this time of year may I wish you a very happy forthcoming holiday season - and good flying in 2008/2009, no matter what your F/F or other interests might be.
Jim Moseley
2008 Cloud Tramp results - * indicates discarded longest/shortest flights.
1 Bob Morris USA 390* 80* 303 116 158 577
2 Jean Andrews USA 66* 146* 121 122 162 405
3 Vic Nippert USA 127 158* 95* 122 134 383
4 Bob Clemens USA 103 69* 147 96 227* 346
5 Les Sayer` Canada 79 147 237* 72 115 341
6 Ole Torgersen Norway 79* 83 93 117 108 284
7 Per Th. Skjulstad Norway 95 55* 90 98* 89 274
8 Tor Bortne Norway 68* 76 85 88* 88 249
9 Stu Cummins USA 68* 89* 75 79 76 230
10 Jean Sayer Canada 99* 79 56 73 55 208
11 Richard Barlow Canada 74 38* 76* 70 63 207
12 Arne Losness Norway 57 95* 40* 77 72 206
13 Hildur Lundhaug (Ms) Norway 73 63 49 43* 194* 185
14 Don Ratzlaff USA 72* 65 59 58 56* 182
15= Jim Blair USA 98* 80 74 27 5* 181
15= Kent Josefsson Sweden 66 53* 57 58 80 181
17 Dick Meixell USA 45* 62 48 81* 58 168
18 Harry Kolberg Norway 74* 49 44* 48 56 153
19 Don Martin USA 49 51 62* 52 48 152
20 Don Butman USA 50 47 51* 48 44* 147
21 Ted Smales GB 41* 50* 50 47 42 139
22 Jim Moseley Canada 45 48 60* 34* 41 134
23 Vegar Nereng Norway 46 50* 47 36* 39 132
24= Ingvar Claesson Sweden 26* 34 43 48* 41 118
24= Havard Amlie Norway 50* 33* 35 43 40 118
26 Svein Olstad Norway 12* 24 37 53 56* 114
27 Wendy Millard GB 29* 31 34 41 45* 106
28 Jim Norfolk Canada 32 45* 7* 27 44 103
29 Ray Millard GB 23* 27 33 34 41* 94
30 Bud Matthews USA 22 19* 35 38* 28 85
31 Jim Howell USA 16* 28 24 32* 29 81
32 Mike Parker GB 22 21* 30 37* 25 77
33 Ron Boots USA 16 20 25 27* 11* 61
34 Steinar Hesthagen Norway 10* 15 16 21 35* 52
From the Cloud Tramp Homepage
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