An English wakefield from the mid 1930:s. The design uses balsa for the wing and fuselage, while the tail surfaces are mode out of bamboo. In Sweden, plans and kits were available from the Vilén company. That the design was a good performer was shown when Sigurd Isacson used it to become Swedish champion in 1938.
Name: Duraplane | Alternative name: |
Plan-ID (S-O L. numbering): | Owner: SMOS |
Designer: C. A. Rippon | Drawn by: |
Year designed: 193? | Wingspan (mm): 970 |
Category: Klass C, Klass D | |
Sources: Vilén, Oldtimer 4/2016 |
Changed date: 2020-09-08
Svenska Modellflygares Oldtimersällskap