Chad 20 På svenska In English

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Chad 20 601
Lars Tolkstam's Chad resting in the grass
Chad 20 602
Ole Torgersen's Chad in the air at the 2015 OT-Champs
Chad 20 611
Gunnar Wivardsson ready to launch his Chad
Chad 20 761
Jan Carlson with his Chad


Chad (the name comes from Cheadle & District M.A.C) is one of the most successful competitors in the small rubber powered category (Class A). On the plan two versions are outlined, one ligtweight for indoor RTP flying (Round The Pole, the model flies round a pole attached to a string), and one normal version for outdoor free flight.

Model data

Name: Chad 20 Alternative name:
Plan-ID (S-O L. numbering): A-384 Owner: SMOS
Designer: Brian Faulkner Drawn by:
Year designed: 1943 Wingspan (mm): 508
Category: Klass A


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Changed date: 2019-04-13

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